

原口典之 展覧会


展覧会入場料 500円 

お電話 080-6549-2641(肥田葉子)
メール noriyuki.haraguchi@ab.auone-net.jp

特別イベント 田中泯「オドリ」

4/19(木) 20:00 完売御礼
4/20(金)20:00 完売御礼
4/21(土) 19:00 完売御礼





1946年神奈川県生まれ。1970年日本大学芸術学部美術学科卒業。60年代後半から美術家としての活動をはじめ、1977年、国際展「ドクメンタ6」(ドイツ、カッセル)で日本人作家として初めて選出される。鉄やポリウレタンといった工業製品に使われる素材を用いた作品や、軍用機の形を原寸大で再現させた立体、金属のプールに廃油を満たす作品など、意味や機能をはぎ取りながら、物体あるいは物質そのものの在り様を提示する作品を制作。主な個展に『NORIYUKI HARAGUCHI』(レンバッハハウス市立美術館、ミュンヘン、2001)、『原口典之 – 社会と物質』展(BankARTStudio NYK、2009)。そのほかグループ展では、『(C)Overt』P.S.1 (ニューヨーク、1988)、『現代美術への視点-色彩とモノクローム』(東京国立近代美術館、1989)、『1970年 – 物質と知覚 もの派と根源を問う作家たち』(岐阜県美術館、1995)、『重力 – 戦後美術の座標軸』(国立国際美術館、1997)、『TOKYO 1955-1970 : 新しい前衛』(ニューヨーク近代美術館、2012)など多数。
近年活動2017(原口紀行) Teheran Museum of Comtemporary Art(イラン),(CROSSROAD2) ART BASE百島(広島), (原口新作展)KENJI TAKI GALLERY

暗黒舞踏の創始者である土方巽に私淑した、前衛的、実験的舞踊家。1974年、独自の表現活動を始め、精神―物理の統合体として存在する身体に重点をおいた「ハイパーダンス」を展開。78年のパリでのソロデビュー以後、世界中の知識人や芸術家との数々のコラボレーションへと繋がり、そのアプローチは形式的な舞台芸術、ダンス、音楽のシーンの枠に収まらない。2002年、山田洋次監督の映画「たそがれ清兵衛」で初の映像出演により、その後も国内のみならず数々の映画、TVドラマへ出演し、2013年にはハリウッドデビューを果たす。田中の、「踊りの起源」への絶え間ない調査と堅固なこだわりは、日常に存在するあらゆる場に固有の踊りを即興で踊るというアプローチによって、「場踊り」という形で、より実践への根を深めている。「場踊り」は日本および世界各地で現在進行形で繰り広げられている。国内外問わず大舞台から野外までの幅広いダンス歴は現在までに3000回を超える。著書『僕はずっと裸だった』(工作舎)、『意身伝心』(松岡正剛との共著、春秋社)、写真集「光合成」MIN by KEIICHI TAHARA(スーパーラボ)。www.min-tanaka.com

Presented by plan-B

Noriyuki Haraguchi Exhibition
“Continuity and Practice: Oil Pool”
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 – Saturday, May 5, 2018

Date and Time:
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 – Saturday, May 5, 2018
Weekdays: 16:00 – 20:00
Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays: 12:00 – 18:00

Entrance Fee: 500 yen

By phone: 080-6549-2611 (attn: Yoko Hida)
By email: noriyuki.haraguchi@ab.auone-net.jp

Special Event
Min Tanaka “Dance”
sold out★Thank you very much!!

Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 20:00, Friday, April 20, 2018 at 20:00, and Saturday, April 21, 2018, at 19:00
(Reception starts 15 minutes before the performances)

Tickets: 3,500 yen
(Available by reservation only)
For Reservations: http://i10x.com/planb/contactus

Address: 4-26-20-B1F Yayoicho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-0013
Phone: 03-3384-2051 (Available only on the day of events)
Access: http://i10x.com/planb/access


Noriyuki Haraguchi
Born in 1946 in Kanagawa. Before graduating from Department of Fine Arts in Nihon University College of Arts in 1970, Noriyuki Haraguchi started his artistic career in late 60’s. In 1977, he was invited to Documenta 6, Kassel, Germany, for the first time as a Japanese artist, and that launched him largely into Europe. His works reveal the substance and significance of the presence of raw materials, stripping away the functions and the meanings from them. Industrial materials such as steel and polyurethane appears often in his works, and his iconic sculpture is a full-scale reproduction of the fighter jet, as well as memorable “oil pool” which consists of a raw metal container filled with waste oil. Among numerous solo exhibitions are Noriyuki Haraguchi at Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich (2001); Noriyuki Haraguchi: Society and Matter at BankART Studio NYK, Yokohama (2009). He has also participated in major group exhibitions such as TOKYO 1955-1970: New Avant-Garde in MoMA, NY (2012), Gravity-Axis of Contemporary Art at the National Museum of Art, Osaka (1997), Matter and Perception 1970, Mono-ha and the Search for Fundamentals at The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu (1995), Color and/or Monochrome: A Perspective on Contemporary Art 2 at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo (1989), and (C) Overt at P.S.1, NY (1988). Among notable recent exhibitions are Noriyuki Haraguchi in Teheran Museum of Contemporary Art (Iran), CROSSROAD 2 in ART BASE MOMOSHIMA (Hiroshima, Japan), and Noriyuki Haraguchi New Works: Gray in KENJI TAKI GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan).


Min Tanaka (Dancer)
Min Tanaka is an avant-garde and experimental dancer, deeply inspired by Tatsumi Hijikata who was a founder of Ankoku Butoh, the Dance of Darkness. In 1974, he started his own expression activities and evolved “hyper-dance”, emphasizing psycho-physical unity of the body. Ever since his international debut in Paris with his solo performance in 1978, he has collaborated with a number of intellects and artists of extensive variety of genres world widely. His approach to dance as a form of expression has extended far beyond the frame of theatrical art and the scenes of dance and music. In 2002, Tanaka made his first film appearance in “Twilight Samurai”, directed by Yoji Yamada. This evolved his career in the industry of moving image, and lead to numerous appearances in TV dramas and films, and as a result, in 2013, he made his debut in a Hollywood film. Tanaka’s incessant and exclusive search for the origin of dance has continued and come to take an even more deep-rooted approach with the Locus Focus project, a site-specific and improvisational dance performance series taking place at a variety of every-day life scenes throughout Japan and abroad. His active and wide-ranging dance career counts over 3000 performances to date, nationally and internationally, from large-scale Opera performances to outside street performances. Tanaka has authored My Bare Body (Kousakusha), Conscious Body, Contagious Mind (Co-authored by Seigo Matsuoka, Shunjusha Publishing), and a photo-book: Photosynthesis MIN by Keiichi TAHARA (SUPER LABO).